Takaful - Books and Miscellaneous Studies

Salih Ahmed Badar

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم التأمين التكافلي الاسلامي مقــدمــة :          كلمة تكافل في اللغة العربية تعني ضمان / كفالة الناس بعضهم لبعض أو الضمان المشترك/المتبادل ، والتأمين التكافلي مبني على نظام التبرع الذي يجعل هذا التأمين خاليا من الجهالة ومن القمار،فكل مشترك في نظام التأمين التكافلي يطلب الحماية عليه أن يخلص النية في مساعدة المشتركين الآخرين عند تعرضهم للمخاطر . وهكذا يمكن القول أن لدينا تأمين تكافلي اسلامي  عندمـا يوافق كل مشترك على المشاركة في صندوق/ حساب تم انشاؤه لاصلاح الضرر الذي قد يتعرض له أي من المشركين( المتكافلين ) ، نتيجة تحقق أي من الأخطار المضمونة الموجودة في...

Takaful insurance in Sharia - Books and Miscellaneous Studies

Ameen Hagi Mohamed

البحث يهدف إلى دراسة التأمين التكافلي في ضوء مقاصد الشريعة الإسلامية، وذلك من خلال بيان مفهوم التأمين التقليدي وفق القانون الإماراتي، والتأمين التكافلي وبيان حده الشرعي من التأمين التقليدي التجاري، وبيان مفهوم مقاصد الشريعة وعلاقة التأمين التكافلي بها، والغرض من هذه الدراسة بيان أهمية التعامل مع التأمين التكافلي، ودوره في التعاون التعاوضي على أساس التبرع لا الربح، وأن انضباطه منضبط بتعلقه بمقاصد الشريعة وتكييفه وفقها، وقد توصلت الدراسة إلى أهم النتائج التالية: مفهوم التأمين التكافي هو: اتفاق بين مجموعة من الأشخاص على تعويض دفع الأضرار التي قد تلحق بأحدهم إذا حدث له خطر معين، نظير تبرع كل منهم باشتراك (ثابت...

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Islamic cooperative insurance - Books and Miscellaneous Studies

His Excellency Sheikh/ Saleh bin Abdullah bin Humaid, Chairman of the Shura Council and Preacher of the Grand Mosque in Mecca 6/11/1423 09/01/2003

التأمين التعاوني الإسلامي معالي الشيخ/صالح بن عبد الله بن حميد رئيس مجلس الشورى وخطيب الحرم المكي     6/11/1423         09/01/2003   بسـم الله الرحـمن الرحيم الحمد لله رب العالمين ، والصلاة والسلام على أشرف الأنبياء والمرسلين ، نبينا محمد وعلى آله وأصحابه أجمعين، وتابعيهم بإحسان إلى يوم الدين . أما بعد فهذا بحث مختصر في التأمين التعاوني الإسلامي ، اقتصرت فيه على الكلام على التأمين التعاوني وما يتعلق به، أما ما يتعلق بأصل التأمين من حيث تعريفه ، وأركانه ، وعناصره، وأنواعه ، وأغراضه ، وغير ذلك من مباحثه الطويلة ، فقد اكتفيت بما قدمته اللجنة الدائمة الموقرة في بحثها المستفيض...

Islamic Insurance in Sudan ( Paper) - Presentations & Papers

Salah El Din Musa Mohamed Sulieman

Islamic Insurance in Sudan By Salah El Din Musa Mohamed Sulieman   September, 2013 Khartoum, Sudan  1-    Abstract This paper is intended to give an overview of how Islamic insurance was created and developed in Sudan. It will cover the regulatory and supervisory frameworks and governance of this type of insurance which came as an alternative to Conventional Insurance which is not acceptable from the Sharia’ point of view. The paper will shed light on the basic principles that differentiate Islamic Insurance from Conventional Insurance and some other issues such as capital, business model, accounting, reinsurance, investment and surplus. By...

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Islamic Insurance in Sudan - Presentations & Papers

Salah El Din Musa Mohamed Sulieman

Second GTG/ICMIF/IFTI Takaful Seminar 17th–18th February 2014, Khartoum, Sudan •First Islamic bank in Sudan (Faisal Islamic Bank, 1977) •Problem of insuring its assets and operations: commercial insurance companies didn’t comply with the Sharia’ principles and provisions. •Solution: The Sharia’ Supervisory Board of Faisal Islamic Bank (Sudan) established an insurance company on the basis of cooperative insurance which fully conforms with the principles and provisions of Sharia’: •The Islamic Insurance Company (est. 1978) became the first Islamic Insurance Company in the world.

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Islamic Insurance in sudan (1979-2017) - Presentations & Papers

Salah El Din Musa Mohamed Suleiman

INTRODUCTION v It is almost four decades by now since the establishment of the first ever Islamic insurance company in Sudan and the world.   v The company was established by Faisal Islamic Bank – Sudan, the first Islamic bank in Sudan in 1978 and started its operation on 1st January 1979 with the main objective of providing sharia' compliant insurance to the bank and its clients. v The success of the company since its early beginnings paved the way for the establishment of Islamic insurance companies and encouraged others , both locally and abroad, to follow. v Four other Islamic...

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Surplus v No Claim Bonus (NCB) - Articles

Salah El Din Musa Mohamed Sulieman

October 2013,  Khartoum, Sudan

The concept of surplus is one of the salient features of Islamic Insurance (Takaful) which is based on the principles of Cooperative Insurance. Distribution of surplus is one of the basic characteristics that differentiate Islamic Insurance from Conventional Insurance. However, some of those who advocate Conventional Insurance argue that surplus distribution as practiced in Islamic Insurance is identical to the no claim bonus (NCB) as practiced in Conventional Insurance.

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Islamic Insurance in Sudan - Presentations & Papers

Salah El Din Musa Mohamed Sulieman Second GTG/ICMIF/IFTI Takaful Seminar 17th–18th February 2014, Khartoum, Sudan

•First Islamic bank in Sudan (Faisal Islamic Bank, 1977) •Problem of insuring its assets and operations: commercial insurance companies didn’t comply with the Sharia’ principles and provisions. •Solution: The Sharia’ Supervisory Board of Faisal Islamic Bank (Sudan) established an insurance company on the basis of cooperative insurance which fully conforms with the principles and provisions of Sharia’:

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How to start a Takaful Company - Presentations & Papers

Salah El Din Musa Mohamed Managing Director Shiekan Insurance and Reinsurance Company

How to set up a Takaful Company Policies, Procedures, Accounting…… Key Functions: -Legal and Regulatory Framework . -Management and Corporate Governance . -Technical Framework. - Investment.

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Blood money in third party claims (cars) - Articles

Salah El Din Mohamed Sulaiman Khartoum / 09-Apr- 2022

It is known that the third party insurance policy (cars) covers the insured's liability for damages to others, whether in property, bodily injuries or death due to the use of the insured vehicle, and it is an unlimited liability. It is called the third party insurance policy because the two parties to the contract are the insurance company and the insured, and the insurance is contracted for the benefit of a third party who is the third party. It is also called compulsory insurance because traffic laws in most countries of the world, if not all of them, require unlimited...

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prompt reimbursement claims (Between the governance of the reinsurance agreement and the support of bond companies) - Researches

Altayeb Mohamed Abbas

prompt reimbursement claims (Between the governance of the reinsurance agreement and the support of bond companies) It is known that reinsurance agreements are concluded between two parties: the insurance company (the entrusted) and the reinsurance company (the entrusted). These agreements are carried out according to purely technical negotiations and accurate details, which necessitates the equality of technical knowledge between the two parties. I will address in this space one of the terms of the agreement, which is what is technically defined as prompt payment or immediate loss claims, and it is one of the matters that the reinsurance agreement has...

Sudan takaful provides hope despite war - Articles

Written by Mr.Salah El Din Musa Mohamed

Managing Director & General Manager of Shikan Insurance & Reinsurance Co. Ltd.

Deputy Chairman of the International Federation of Takaful & Islamic Insurance Companies

  published in Middle East Insurance Review Magazine ( MEIR ). November 2024

Until the civil war erupted in 2023, takaful and insurance in Sudan had a consistent growth path. Seemingly undeterred by current unrest, The International Federation of Takaful and Insurance Companies’ Mr Salah El Din Musa Mohamed Sulieman spoke of his high hopes for a post-war resurrection of a once-vibrant industry

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