Corporate Compliance Management

Given the importance of the compliance function and the growing role of the compliance officer in the company. It was decided to give the compliance officer all the powers to view documents and data related to the company's various activities and workflow in all departments, sections and branches, and to enable him to perform the tasks entrusted to him to the fullest extent within the framework of the attached objectives.

Compliance Management Job Objectives:

    Ensuring the company's compliance with all laws, regulations, directives and ethical and professional standards issued by the company and the regulatory and supervisory authorities.

    Work to consolidate the relationship of the company and the supervisory and supervisory authorities.

    Identifying and evaluating the risks of non-compliance associated with the company's various activities.

    Ensuring the implementation of the compliance policy set for the risks of non-compliance.

    Providing administrative advice to the company's management on the applicable laws, regulations and standards and providing it with the latest developments.

    Informing the Board of Directors of all violations and abuses within the company.

    Work to spread the culture of compliance with the applicable laws, regulations and standards among employees and to spread the culture of combating money laundering and terrorist financing.

Corporate Compliance Officer at Shikan Company, Mr. Yousif  Mohamed Issa

Phone number: 0912269102
